Natural Derivational Phonology

AUTHOR : Byung-Gun Lee
ISBN : 9788952113535
PUBLISHER : 서울대학교출판문화원
PUBLICATION DATE : May 01 ,2013,
SPINE SIZE : 0.8 inches
PAGES : 292
SIZE : 6.1 * 8.9 inches
WEIGHT : 0 pounds
PRICE : $137.45
Natural Derivational Phonology endeavors to settle the problems to be encountered in Optimality Theory and other perplexing problems. In Natural Derivational Phonology constraints, including constraint pairs, apply singly or multiply to any input (underlying or intermediate) in accordance with the natural ranking of universal ranking principles, bringing forth serial derivation. And evaluation constraints may evaluate their outputs.
Part 1 takes the form of a monograph in which the fundamental principles of Natural Derivational Phonology are established. And part 2 comprises three self-contained papers written within the framework of Natural Derivational Phonology.
The papers in part 2 are designed to be case studies. They demonstrate that Natural Derivational Phonology has survived the rigid testing, solving complex and baffling problems in a natural fashion. As a consequence, the basic tenets of Natural Derivational Phonology established in part 1 have been corroborated.
Natural Derivational Phonology adheres to serial derivation, as does rule-based phonology. A serious defect of serialism in rule-based phonology is that it heavily rests on extrinsic ordering of rules. Most importantly, the natural ranking of universal ranking principles rids serialism of the extrinsicality parallel to extrinsic ordering of rules, and it can also do away with the extrinsicality parallel to extrinsic ranking of constraints in Optimality Theory. It solves the chronic problem with which phonologists have been obsessed since the inception of generative phonology.
Although Natural Derivational Phonology is widely divergent from Optimality Theory, it composes constraint pairs, utilizing the dichotomy between M and F, and tableaux are made effective use of with the necessary change made.
Natural Derivational Phonology can be epitomized as a phonological system in which constraints apply in accordance with the natural ranking of universal ranking principles, permitting evaluation constraints to assess their outputs..

Byung-Gun Lee

Emeritus Professor, Seoul National University


Part 1 Natural Derivational Phonology

Chapter 1 Simplified Tableau and the Basic Universal Ranking Principle
1 Simplified Tableau
2 Serial Derivation and the Basic Universal Ranking Principle
3 AMP and Cyclic Application
4 AMP and Local Ordering
Chapter 2 Derivedness
5 Derived Environments
6 Non-Derived Intramorphemic Environments
6. 1 Abstract Structures
6. 2 Allophonic Segments
6. 3 Richness of the Base
Chapter 3 Constraints Not Standing in a Feeding Relation
7 Constraints Standing in a Counterfeeding Relation
8 Constraints Standing in a Bleeding Relation
8. 1 Neutralization Constraints Standing in a Bleeding Relation
8. 2 Allophonic Constraints Standing in a Bleeding or Counterbleeding Relation
8. 3 Conclusion
9 Constraints Standing in a Counterbleeding Relation
Chapter 4 Reduplication and TETU
10 Emergence of the Unmarked in Reduplicants
Chapter 5 Typology
11 Constraint *NC̥
12 Canadian English Dialects
Chapter 6 Phonological Opacity
13 Sympathy Theory
14 Comparative Markedness Theory
15 Self-Counterfeeding in Lardil in Comparative Markedness Theory
Chapter 7 A Case Study
16 Klamath Phonology
16. 1 Vowel Gradation
16. 2 Vowel Shortening
16. 3 Laryngeal Neutralization
16. 4 Glide Vocalization
16. 5 General Epenthesis and Sonorant Cluster Epenthesis
16. 6 Glottal Stop Deletion
16. 7 Nasal Consonant Deletions
16. 8 Intensive Forms
16. 9 Look-Ahead E-Constraint Schema
16. 10 Cyclic Derivation
16. 11 Residual Problem
16. 12 Conclusion
Chapter 8 E-Constraints and C-on-U
17 E-Constraints and C-on-U

Part 2 Papers in Natural Derivational Phonology

I Natural Derivational Phonology and Phonological Opacity
1 Introduction
2 Yawelmani Dialect of Yokuts
2. 1 Vowel Harmony
2. 2 Vowel Shortening
2. 3 Forms with the Future Morpheme /i:n/
2. 4 Epenthetic Forms
2. 5 Surface Forms with a Long High Vowel
2. 6 Triply Opaque Forms
3 Wikchamni Dialect of Yokuts
4 Conclusion
II Stress Assignment in Mohawk in Natural Derivational Phonology
1 Introduction
2 Canonical Stress
3 Epenthetic Forms
4 Heavy Epenthetic Vowels
5 Intramorphemic Sequence Cr
6 Light Epenthetic Vowels in Consecutive Syllables
7 Falling Tone
8 Vowel Lengthening
9 Conclusion
III Consonant Truncation in French in Natural Derivational Phonology
1 Introduction
2 Establishment of the Features [+released] and [-released]
3 Adjectives and Nouns
4 Verbs
5 ‘Exceptional’ Words
6 Vowel Nasalization
7 l-Vocalization
8 r-Truncation
9 o-Switch
10 Final Vowel Shortening
11 Conclusion