서울대 한국어 플러스 3B Student's Book

AUTHOR : 장 소원
ISBN : 9788952131560
PUBLISHER : 서울대학교출판문화원
PUBLICATION DATE : May 10 ,2023,
SPINE SIZE : 0.7 inches
PAGES : 188
SIZE : 8.4 * 11.2 inches
WEIGHT : 1.9 pounds
PRICE : $40.95
《Seoul National University Korean+》 written by Korea’s top Korean language education instructors “Seoul National University Korean+”, a new textbook for regular courses planned by the Seoul National University Language Education Institute and published by the Seoul National University Press and Culture Center to efficiently and step-by-step improve the Korean language skills of Korean language learners, is suitable for those who are new to Korean to advanced users. It is comprised of grades 1 to 6 to cover all levels, and each level consists of a total of 4 volumes, 2 volumes each of Student's Book, the main textbook, and 2 Workbooks, the auxiliary textbook. Seoul National University's Language Education Center and Publication Culture Center plan to publish a total of 24 volumes up to level 6. 《Seoul National University Korean+ Student's Book 3B》 , a textbook for self-directed learning that can improve speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, can be used by general-purpose adult Korean language learners who have completed about 400 hours of regular courses through 200 hours of regular courses. It is designed so that you can learn Korean at an intermediate level of Korean language proficiency. Speaking activities were strengthened so that learners could use the vocabulary and sentence patterns they had learned according to each stage and situation. By using highly realistic and useful discourse, we aimed to strengthen listening and reading and improve learners' communication skills. The writing section was organized in stages so that learners could improve their expressive skills through process-oriented writing activities. Learner-friendly structure that arouses learner interest

장 소원

서울대학교 국어국문학과 교수
Chang Sowon Seoul National University Professor at the Department of Korean
Language & Literature
파리 5대학교 언어학 박사
Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Paris 5

머리말 Preface
일러두기 How to Use This Book
교재 구성표 Scope and Sequence
등장인물 Characters

10단원 고장과 수리 Malfunctions & Repairs
10-1. 고장 상황 Malfunction Situations
10-2. 수리 요청 Repair Requests
11단원 실수와 고민 Mistakes & Concerns
11-1. 실수와 후회 Mistakes & Regrets
11-2. 고민과 조언 Concerns & Advice
12단원 습관의 중요성 The Importance of Routines
12-1. 습관과 버릇 Routines & Habits
12-2. 계획과 실천 Planning & Taking Action
13단원 연애와 결혼 Dating & Marriage
13-1. 연애의 조건 Conditions of Dating
13-2. 사랑 이야기 Love Story
14단원 고향의 어제와 오늘 Hometown’s Past & Future
14-1. 도시와 시골 City & Countryside
14-2. 현재와 미래 Present & Future
15단원 건강한 몸과 마음 Healthy Body & Mind
15-1. 튼튼한 몸 Strong Body
15-2. 건강한 마음 Healthy Mind
16단원 일과 직업 Work & Occupations
16-1. 아르바이트 Part-time job
16-2. 일하고 싶은 곳 Place you want to work at
17단원 특별한 날 Special Days
17-1. 기념일 Anniversary
17-2. 소중한 기억 Precious Memories
18단원 연극 Play
18-1. 흥부와 놀부 Heungbu & Nolbu
부록 Appendix