1. Record of the Edge of Heaven is the second set of vernacular stories to be compiled in the late Joseon dynasty following Eou’s Unofficial Histories. As a pivotal work of Korean fantasy, it carries significant value in literary history.
2. The stories in the book will introduce readers to various aspects of the period. Readers will be able to envision the social problems and conflicts of the time through the lens of Joseon people, understand their insight into mysterious natural hazards and the unknown realm, and sense their desire for a utopian world.
3. Through this book, readers will experience not only Korean culture, but also Korean people’s imagination, mentality, and diverse views on the world.
Im Bang
Im Bang was born in 1640 and died in 1724 in a place of exile. He was a competent civil officer of the late Joseon dynasty, who studied under Song Si-yeol (penname: Uam) and Song Jun-gil (penname: Dongchun) and even held a post at the Ministry of Works. Unfortunately, however, amidst the 17th-century party strife, he was dismissed from the royal court and sent into exile. Along with the 《Record of the Edge of Heaven》, he authored several other works of fantasy and literature.
Leif Olsen
Leif Olsen holds a master’s degree in Asian studies from the University of British Columbia. He has translated Korean premodern, modern, and contemporary literature, historical documents and annals, and scholarly works on religion, astronomy, and other topics. He also translated a book about a Korean leprosarium.
Introduction: The Compiler of Record of the Edge of Heaven and the Work’s Worldview
01. Becoming Lost on a Road at Mount Jiri and Meeting an Immortal
02. Meeting with Rain on a Road to the Gwandong Region and Ascending to the Immortal
03. Jeong Bukchang Sees from Afar the Face of a Bond Servant
04. Yun Sepyeong Weeps over His Younger Sister’s Faraway Death 05. Entering Nirvana While Sitting in Meditation in a Dirt Cave on Mount Songni
06. On the Road to Mount Geumgang, One Appears in a Provincial Army Commander’s
Dream to Move His Heart toward Compassion
07. King Yama Asks a Buddhist Layman to Bring Him a New Robe
08. A Bodhisattva Allows a Tour of the Hell of the Otherworld
09. Tojeong Escapes a Tidal Wave at a Fishing Village
10. A Common Woodcutter Escapes the Disasters of a Flood on a Seaside Mountain
11. Burying a Dry Skull and Receiving a Reward from the Otherworld on the Way to the Site
of an Examination
12. Secretly Receiving Help from an Old Man While Staying at a Mountain Temple
13. Seopyeong’s Distant Relative from the Countryside Inspects Tens of Thousands of Ghosts
14. A Scholar in Imsil Has Charge over Two Ghost Soldiers
15. Lying Down at Home as the Entire Island Is Crushed under the Feet of Invaders
16. Sitting on the Road as Ten Thousand Cavalrymen Trample By
17. Sweeping the Snow to Steal a Glance at Oksoseon
18. Upon Passing the Civil Service Examination, Sim Meets Iltahong Again
19. An Old Man from Goseong Village Falls Ill and Changes into a Fish
20. A Relative of Seungpyeong Turns into a Boar in His Old Age
21. A Royal Inspector Wearing a Woman’s Hat Is Brought before the Governor While
Attending a Banquet
22. A Local Education Official Emerges Naked from a Chest
23. Due to His Eccentric Conduct, Literary Licentiate Sim Refuses a Beautiful Woman
24. Dim-Witted Bachelor Kim Loses a Beautiful Woman
*Glossary of Personal Names for Volumes 1 & 2