1. Record of the Edge of Heaven is the second set of vernacular stories to be compiled in the late Joseon dynasty following Eou’s Unofficial Histories. As a pivotal work of Korean fantasy, it carries significant value in literary history.
2 .The stories in the book will introduce readers to various aspects of the period. Readers will be able to envision the social problems and conflicts of the time through the lens of Joseon people, understand their insight into mysterious natural hazards and the unknown realm, and sense their desire for a utopian world.
3. Through this book, readers will experience not only Korean culture, but also Korean people’s imagination, mentality, and diverse views on the world.
Im Bang
Im Bang was born in 1640 and died in 1724 in a place of exile. He was a competent civil officer of the late Joseon dynasty, who studied under Song Si-yeol (penname: Uam) and Song Jun-gil (penname: Dongchun) and even held a post at the Ministry of Works. Unfortunately, however, amidst the 17th-century party strife, he was dismissed from the royal court and sent into exile. Along with the 《Record of the Edge of Heaven》, he authored several other works of fantasy and literature.
Leif Olsen
Leif Olsen holds a master’s degree in Asian studies from the University of British Columbia. He has translated Korean premodern, modern, and contemporary literature, historical documents and annals, and scholarly works on religion, astronomy, and other topics. He also translated a book about a Korean leprosarium.
25. Literary Licentiate Seong’s Fierce Wife Has His Shins Struck with a Heavy Stick
26. The Envious Wife of Army Commander Wu Cuts off His Beard
27. Striking a Dim-Witted Descendant with a Stick a Number of Times for His Foolish Error
28. Summoning a Descendant to Tell Him Where the True Tomb Is
29. Paying a Visit on a Birthday and Asking Relief for a Starving Stomach
30. While Gathering for the Anniversary of a Death, a Spirit Is Ashamed to Participate Because
of His Tattered Clothing
31. Having Food Brought Out to Treat a Ghost and Save a Child
32. Writing an Oration and Performing a Rite to Save a Village
33. Scholar Shin Invites a Student to Go Lecture on the Classics
34. Daoist Maeng Takes One on an Excursion to Write Responsory Poems
35. An Old Woman Turns into an Evil Spirit at the Home of a Scholar
36. An Obdurate Young Man Causes a Plague at a Family Banquet
37. Examinee-in-Training Yi Rents Houses and Sees Peculiarities
38. Third-Rank Commander Choe Temporarily Resides at a House and Meets an Evil Spirit
39. The Soul of a Snake Causes Calamities at the Late Councilor’s Residence
40. A Bewitching Rat Snake Turns into a Child at a Soldier’s House
41. Mr. Jeong Has Student Kwon Deliver a Letter
42. Minister Won Appears and Asks Grand Councilor Heo to Write a Letter
43. The Breaking and Tearing of an Enshrined Portrait Is Ultimately Avenged
44. When One Discusses the Removal of an Academy’s Enshrined Tablet, Calamities Ensue
45. A Scholar Meets His Deceased Teacher in the Honam Region
46. A Military Magistrate Says He Saw the Deceased Father of the Ahn Residence
47. Bearing a Bewitching Fox on One’s Back and Feeling Sorry When It Is Set Free
48. Regretting That the Hand Holding a Leopard-Cat Monster Loosened Its Grip
49. A Clever Shaman Astounds a Magistrate at Gwanghan Pavilion
50. A Son Is Deeply Moved by a Shamanic Rite to the Spirits near the Yongsan River 51. On the Road to Taein, the Head of an Arrow Is Shot into a Fierce Monk
52. At Noryangjin, Bond Servants of a Powerful Family Are Beaten with a Stirrup53. Obtaining a Treasure Worth Ten Thousand Nyang in a Rainwater Pool 54. Collecting Two Gok of Gems from an Island in the Sea
55. A Magistrate in the Gwanbuk Region Thrusts a Sword into a Foul-Smelling Monster
56. Driving Away Three Ghosts with One’s Fist at a Frontier Garrison 57. A Messenger Is Sent to a Senior Minister to Designate the Site of a Shrine
58. As Shown in a Dream, a Scholar Drives Away Evil Thieves 59. Using a Knife in Place of a Pearl Fan to Become the Legal Wife 60. Carrying Rotting Meat under One’s Armpits to Maintain Fidelity
61. Keeping Watch Alone over Empty Dormitories and Passing the State Examination in First
Place 62. Indiscriminately Entering the Palace Garden and Ascending to the Level of a Prominent
*Glossary of Personal Names for Volumes 1 & 2