학문 목적 말하기

AUTHOR : Seoul National University
ISBN : 9788952119186
PUBLISHER : 서울대학교출판문화원
PUBLICATION DATE : January 15 ,2018,
SPINE SIZE : 0.3 inches
PAGES : 140
SIZE : 8.4 * 10.8 inches
WEIGHT : 0.10 pounds
PRICE : $23.95
[Seoul National University Korean+ Academy Purposes Speaking] is a textbook for academic purpose learner developed by the Language Education Center of Seoul National University. It is one of the [Seoul National University Academy Purposes Korean+] series, and was developed so that oral communication skills needed for presentation, discussion, discussion can be improved.

Seoul National University

The Language Education Center of Seoul National University was established in 1963 as a language research institute at the campus of Dongsung-dong Seoul National University and was promoted to the Language Education Center in 2001. For 56 years, it has played an important role in the internationalization of Seoul National University and the Republic of Korea as a publishing institution of Korean language education institutions for the world, foreign language education institutions for SNUs, national language proficiency testing institutes, and linguistic journals representing Korea. Each year, we educate about 2,500 foreigners from 70 countries and teach Korean and Korean culture. We also have 7 language courses including English for 8,000 Seoul National University students.

How to Use This Book
Scope and Sequence

1. Meaning of study
2. Factory animal husbandry and animal ethics
3. Standard language and local language
4. Art and life
5. Literature and the spirit of the times
6. Consumer and marketing
7. Environment and Energy
8. Youth and politics
9. Scenery of Jeju
10. Leadership in history
11. Future technology and humanity
12. Communication in the smart age
13. The Way of Welfare
14. Condition of happiness
15. Aptitude and career

Vocabulary index