서울대 한국어 플러스 4B Work Book

AUTHOR : 장 소원
ISBN : 9788952131836
PUBLISHER : 서울대학교출판문화원
PUBLICATION DATE : June 30 ,2023,
SPINE SIZE : 0.5 inches
PAGES : 200
SIZE : 8.4 * 11.1 inches
WEIGHT : 1.7 pounds
PRICE : $30.95
《Seoul National University Korean+》 written by Korea’s top Korean language education instructors In order to improve Korean language skills efficiently and step-by-step , a new textbook for regular courses, written by the Seoul National University Language Education Center and published by the Seoul National University Press and Culture Center, 《Seoul National University Korean+》 《Seoul National University Korean+》 is comprised of levels 1 to 6 to cover those who are new to the Korean language to advanced users. It consists of a total of 4 volumes for each level, 2 volumes each of the Student's Book, which is the main textbook, and 2 Workbooks, which are supplementary textbooks. It contains abundant illustrations and photos to help understand the situation and culture, and provides listening materials using QR codes in the textbook, greatly increasing accessibility for learners. A well-structured workbook that helps with systematic learning of Seoul National University Korean+ Student's Book 《Seoul National University Korean+ Workbook 4B》 is a supplementary textbook to the main textbook for the regular course, 《Seoul National University Korean+ Student's Book 4B》, and is designed to maximize learning effectiveness by practicing vocabulary, grammar, and expressions in various situations and organizing them through review units. did. ▶ Vocabulary and grammar & expression practices
- Each unit consists of two lessons, and each lesson consists of 'vocabulary' practice and 'grammar and expression' practice.
- 'Vocabulary' is designed to check the meaning of target vocabulary selected by topic, learn usage and collocation relationships, and improve vocabulary use ability through vocabulary practice in sentences or conversation units.
- 'Grammar and expressions' consists of exercises to understand and complete the content in conversation, sentence, and text units so that you can learn the meaning and usage situations of grammar and expressions. Additionally, grammar and expressions were used to practice speaking, allowing learners to create short discourse on their own. ▶ Sentence unit and discourse unit practices - Students can practice composing sentences or short conversations that reveal situations using suggested words or pictures. ▶ Real communication context provided - By presenting meaningful situations in which grammar can be used, the aim was to improve both grammar usage and communication skills by allowing learners to speak for themselves. ▶ Review units provided
After completing three units, the review unit is designed so that you can check and organize your learning contents.
- It contains TOPIK format vocabulary and grammar problems, listening problems, reading and writing problems, speaking activities, and pronunciation review, and is used as a step for comprehensive review while confirming the language knowledge acquired in each subject.

장 소원

Chang Sowon
서울대학교 국어국문학과 교수
Seoul National University Professor at the Department of KoreanLanguage & Literature
파리 5대학교 언어학 박사Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Paris 5

머리말 Preface
일러두기 How to Use This Book
교재 구성표 Scope and Sequence

[10단원] 태도와 평가 Attitude & Assessment
10-1. 태도 Attitude
10-2. 행동 평가 Behavioral Assessment

[11단원] 대인 관계 Human Relationship
11-1. 부탁과 거절 Request & Refusal
11-2. 사회생활 Social Life

[12단원] 옛날이야기의 교훈 Morals from Old Stories
12-1. 속담과 생활 Proverbs & Life
12-2. 옛날이야기 Old Stories

복습 4 Review 4

[13단원] 논란거리 Controversies
13-1. 사회 문제 Social Issues
13-2. 의견과 비판 Opinions & Criticisms

[14단원] 언어와 생활 Language & Life
14-1. 다양한 언어 사용 Various Language Usage
14-2. 흥미로운 언어 Interesting Languages

[15단원] 소중한 환경 Precious Environment
15-1. 환경 문제와 원인 Environmental Issues & Causes
15-2. 환경 보호 Environmental Protection

복습 5 Review 5

[16단원] 동물과 식물 Animals & Plants
16-1. 반려동물의 의미 Meaning of Companion Animals
16-2. 멸종과 보호 Extinction & Protection

[17단원] 과학과 생활 Science & Life
17-1. 일상생활 속 과학 Science in Everyday Life
17-2. 과학 지식의 활용 Use of Scientific Knowledge

[18단원] 잊지 못할 인연 Unforgettable Connections
18-1. 소중한 인연 Precious Connections
18-2. 추억 Memories

복습 6 Review 6

| 부록 Appendix |
듣기 지문 Listening Script
모범 답안 Answer Key