《Seoul National University Korean+》 written by Korea’s top Korean language education instructors “Seoul National University Korean+”, a new textbook for regular courses planned by the Seoul National University Language Education Institute and published by the Seoul National University Press and Culture Center to efficiently and step-by-step improve Korean language skills of Korean language learners, is suitable for beginners to advanced users of the Korean language. It is comprised of grades 1 to 6 to cover all levels, and each level consists of a total of 4 volumes, 2 volumes each of Student's Book, the main textbook, and 2 Workbooks, the auxiliary textbook. Seoul National University's Language Education Center and Publication Culture Center plan to publish a total of 24 volumes up to level 6. 《Seoul National University Korean+ Student's Book 5B》 , a textbook for self-directed learning that can improve speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, is for general-purpose adult Korean language learners who have completed 800 hours of regular Korean language course or have equivalent Korean language skills. This is a textbook designed to help students learn Korean at a level 5 proficiency level through a 200-hour regular course. This textbook is designed to help you communicate accurately and fluently on social and abstract topics and perform various tasks well in professional fields. Learner-friendly structure that arouses learners' interest 《Seoul National University Korean+ Student's Book 5B》 Each unit consists of two lessons that cover the topic of the unit in depth, focusing on listening and speaking, reading and writing, respectively. In the listening and reading stages, students are exposed to various genres of discourse to learn the structure and expressions of the discourse, and are designed to solve various problems such as understanding the main content, understanding the outline, understanding details, and making inferences. In the speaking and writing stages, the discourse structures and expressions exposed in the listening and reading stages were explicitly presented and actual discourses were created, so that the comprehension and expression areas were closely linked.
Chang Sowon
Seoul National University Professor at the Department of Korean Language & Literature
Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Paris 5
교재 구성표
9단원 교육과 미래
9-1. 교육의 문제점
9-2. 미래의 교육
10단원 생활 속 경제
10-1. 광고와 경제
10-2. 소비와 경제
11단원 변화하는 사회
11-1. 저출산과 사회 문제
11-2. 변화하는 가족
12단원 대중 매체
12-1. 뉴 미디어
12-2. 신문과 뉴스
13단원 역사와 인물
13-1. 나라의 건국과 멸망
13-2. 역사 속 인물
14단원 전통문화
14-1. 전통과 장인
14-2. 전통과 현대의 만남
15단원 대중문화의 힘
15-1. 문화의 영향력
15-2. 콘텐츠의 힘
16단원 과학과 삶
16-1. 과학의 힘
16-2. 발견과 발명