세종한국어 회화 4

AUTHOR : King Sejong Institute Foundation
ISBN : 9788997134175
PUBLICATION DATE : January 01 ,2020,
SPINE SIZE : 0.5 inches
PAGES : 182
SIZE : 8.3 * 11.1 inches
WEIGHT : 1.1 pounds
PRICE : $22.95
『Sejong Korean Conversation』 is designed with the purpose of helping Korean language learners at The King Sejong Institute(KSI) to develop practical Korean language skills, especially focusing on conversation, listening, and communication skills.

• The purpose of this textbook is to help Korean language learners understand the Korean language and Korean society from an intercultural perspective, which is in accordance with the aims and purpose of the King Sejong Institute.
• The following textbook is developed based on the ‘International Standard Model for Korean Language Education’ and the ‘King Sejong Institute Standard Model of Education,’ with aims to reach the objectives of textbooks,『Sejong Korean』Books 5, 6, 7, 8.『Sejong Korean Conversation 3』is equal to the objectives in『Sejong Korean』Book 5, 6 while the objectives in『Sejong Korean Conversation 4』is equal to『Sejong Korean』Books 7 and 8.
• The following textbook is designed based on the 45-hour model of the ‘King Sejong Institute Standard Model of Education’ with a focus on speaking and listening education.
• The following textbook is based on the 45-hour model and chooses the module of three parts. Depending on the class hours at King Sejong Institute, some modules can be deleted or partially chosen and further adopted within the 60-hour module.
• This textbook is aimed to develop accuracy and fluency through communicative activities and activities testing language knowledge.
• The contents and activities of the textbook are designed to help adult learner’s cognitive skills and learning strategies.

King Sejong Institute Foundation

King Sejong Institute Foundation (KSIF) is a public institution affiliated with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Government of the Republic of Korea. It was established to oversee the project to provide Korean language education and cultural experiences to the world. Through KSIF, those people interested in learning Korean language, and wanting to experience Korean culture grow a deep understanding and love for Korea.

발간사 2
머리말 3
일러두기 4
단원구성 8

1과 성격이 참 좋아 보여요 16
2과 사이가 나빠질까 봐 참고 있어 24
3과 생각 없이 걷다 보면 스트레스가 풀리니까요 32
4과 이순신은 조선의 바다를 지켰던 용감한 장군이에요 40
5과 늦잠을 자는 바람에 회사에 지각했어요 48
6과 야식을 먹었더니 습관이 돼 버렸어 56
7과 경복궁이 가장 오래된 궁이래요 64
함께 이야기해요 1 72

8과 하고 싶은 일을 해야 인생이 행복할 거라고 생각해요 76
9과 자격증을 따 놓으면 도움이 될 거야 84
10과 태풍으로 인한 해일이라고 하더라고요 92
11과 설문 조사를 하는 데 시간이 얼마나 걸릴까요? 100
12과 프린터에 종이가 걸렸나 봐요 108
13과 이 제품은 쓸수록 좋은 것 같아요 116
14과 누군가에게 도움이 되는 일을 하기로 했어요 124
함께 이야기해요 2 132

모범 답안 138
듣기 지문 147
문법 설명 161
어휘 및 표현 색인 168