The Saemaul Movement: A Sourcebook

AUTHOR : Han Do Hyun
ISBN : 9791158660765
PUBLISHER : 한국학중앙연구원출판부
PUBLICATION DATE : March 11 ,2016,
SPINE SIZE : 0.8 inches
PAGES : 282
SIZE : 5.8 * 9.8 inches
WEIGHT : 1.3 pounds
PRICE : $37.00
The series “A Sourcebook” organizes and provides primary data sorted by subjects and areas on the understanding of and research into modern Korean society and culture in an attempt to meet academic interest on the foreign study of Korea in its rapid achievements of industrialization, democratization, and social change.

This sourcebook provides scholars, development practitioners, and government officials with a representative sample of original source documents of the Saemaul Undong experience now available for examination in several archival collections. Documents in the collection range from presidential directives and personal presidential reflections to guidelines developed by various government agencies involved in Saemaul Undong administration and testimonials of villagers involved in the grassroots implementation of Saemaul Undong village development projects.

Han Do Hyun

Do Hyun Han is Professor of Sociology at the Academy of Korean Studies.

Part1 The Saemaul Movement, the Government, and the President

Part2 Education and Training of Village Leaders

Part3 The Saemaul Movement’s Local Governance

Part4 Village Dynamics of the Saemaul Movement