This book offers a comprehensive documentation of the Korean welfare state since the independence in 1945. Focusing on the major social welfare programs such as the National Pension, Medical Insurance, Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance, Employment Insurance, Free Child Care, Long-term Care Insurance for the Elderly, and National Basic Livelihood Security, this book provides a compelling and detailed explanation of the birth, settlement, and development of the Korean welfare state. It will serve as the standard text on the history of welfare policy in Korean. This book will appeal to those interested in the Korean welfare state as well as those interested in the Korean society as a whole.
Moon Jin-young
Faculty: Professor of Social Walfare at Sogang University
Yang Jae-jin
Faculty: Professor of Public Administration at Yonsei University
Chapter 5 Public Assistance (National Basic Living Security Program) 343
Source 1. The Reason for the Proposal of the Livelihood Protection Act 343
Source 2. Road to the Enactment of the National Basic Livelihood Security Act 345
Source 3. Interview Summary 351
Source 4. The Ten-year History of the National Basic Livelihood Security System – Prehistory 358
Source 5. The Ten-year History of the National Basic Livelihood Security System – The Start of the National Basic Livelihood Security System 381
Source 6. The Ten-year History of the National Basic Livelihood Security System – Comparison between the Livelihood Protection System and the National Basic Livelihood Security System 401
Source 7. The Ten-year History of the National Basic Livelihood Security System – The Selection of the National Basic Livelihood Security System and Benefit Changes 418
Source 8. The Ten-year History of the National Basic Livelihood Security System – The Main History of the Livelihood Protection System 457
Source 9. The Ten-year History of the National Basic Livelihood Security System – Support Services for Basic Livelihood Security Benefit Recipients 487
Source 10. Protection of Minimum Living Standards Act (Act No. 5836, February 8, 1999, Partial Amendment) 492
Source 11. National Basic Living Security Act (Act No. 11248, February 1, 2012, Partial Amendment) 506
Chapter 6 Occupational Accident/Injury Compensation (Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Program) 531
Source 1. Interview Summary 531
Source 2. Chronicle 536
Source 3. Annual Report of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance, 2012 548
Source 4. The Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 1438, Established on November 5, 1963) 577
Source 5. The Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 10339, June 4, 2010, Other Laws and Regulations Amended) 586
Chapter 7 Unemployment Benefits (Employment Insurance) 638
Source 1. The Employment Insurance System in Korea 638
Source 2. Where is the Korean welfare system heading? 657
Source 3. The Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 4644, Established on December 27, 1993) 661
Source 4. The Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 10895, July 21, 2011, Partial Amendment) 685
Chapter 8 Long-term Care Insurance for Senior Citizens 727
Source 1. Report of the Blue House – Welfare Policy for the Aged 727
Source 2. Long-term Care Insurance Statistical Yearbook 2013 756
Source 3. 2009 Policy Document: Achievement and Tasks of the Long-term Care Insurance for the Aged – One Year after Enforcement by the Ministry of Health and Welfare 766
Source 4. Diagnosis of the Five Years of Long-term Care Insurance for the Aged: Fire Low-Quality Service Providers, and Increase Public Services 783
Source 5. Act on Long-term Care Insurance for Senior Citizens (Act No. 8403, April 27, 2007) 785
Chapter 9 Free Childcare Support 809
Source 1. Guide of the Childcare Service, 2014 809
Source 2. Statistics of the Childcare Service, 2014 815
Source 3. 2014 Health and Welfare Committee Report 818
Source 4. Free Childcare Service Crisis, Again? 821
Source 5. The Infant Care Act (Act No. 11627, Partially Amended on January 23, 2013) 822