Smile Keepers 1
: Psychological Workshops for Chindren 5-10 years of age
The manual Smile Keepers 1 is intended for adults who are ready to enjoy together with children the beauty of searching for the secret how we are same in different ways.
Smile Keepers is not about “keeping smiling”, but rather about welcoming every feeling as a valuable guide on the journey of exploring your inner self and others.
The goal of the program is to help children build their emotional stability, develop optimal strategies to overcome unpleasant mental states and conflicts, enhance their communication skills, strengthen their self-confidence and confidence in others, as well as enrich their knowledge about themselves and others through interactions in a playful context.
Smile Keepers 1 introduces 32 workshops for children 5-10 years of age.
Savić Ignjatović Nada
Born in 1947, Nada Ignjatović-Savić has been teaching and carrying out research in developmental psychology at the University of Belgrade for more than 30 years. She has conducted many research and intervention projects, and published several books and programs in the field of personal development, communication, social interaction and education.
Co-founder of the Center for non-violent communication “Smile Keepers”, a non-governmental organization focusing primarily on human development, self and group awareness raising, reconstruction of educational practice and social change, Mrs. Nada Ignjatović-Savić was also its executive director.
From 1993 – 2001 she was the director of several intervention projects in education supported by UNICEF, EU, Norwegian People Aid, and Save the Children Trust. During this period she also offered different programs of education for peace and healing the wounds of the war with many groups from former Yugoslavia. During the period between 2000 - 2002 she was a member of the program committee and trainer in two international peace projects - “Olympic Games for Children” (participants were children and professionals from 10 countries) held in Delphi and Olympia, Greece, and “The Day After- Peace and Reconciliation Work with Israeli and Palestinian Religious Leaders, Business, University and Media People”, held in Rome and Jerusalem.
Since 1993 when certified by Marshall Rosenberg as a trainer of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), she has been a co-trainer with him of many ten-day intensive international trainings, and has been very active in offering NVC trainings in European countries, Israel and India.
In 2003 in Pilion, Greece she taught NVC to the team of the project: “Human Rights and Conflict Management” organized by the European Network of Women, with the support of EU and Greek General Secretariat for Youth.
She is Coordinator for Serbia of the Earth Stewards Network, an international network of people dedicated to peace, global communication, conflict resolution, citizen diplomacy founded 1979 by the psychologist Danaan Parry. Since 1996 she is an accredited EP facilitator (Essential Peacemaking/ Women & Men). With Chris Gardner she offered EP training to many groups of men and women from different countries in Ex-Yugoslavia and Europe.
In the period 2001 – 2004 she was engaged by the Ministry of Education of Serbia and was a member of the team of experts assigned to develop democratization in education and reform of the school system. She is the author of the programs of Civic Education for Elementary School Children.
Nada Ignjatović-Savić passed away on July 19, 2011 in Belgrade.